
Welcome to Summer and to the new Petite Fleur website

  /  Event   /  Welcome to Summer and to the new Petite Fleur website
site petite fleur

They are there, brand new! Summer and above all: the new Petite Fleur website, which has had a makeover for a few months to offer you all the information concerning my job as a Floral Decorator. What a great opportunity to present my services to you and offer you the best of Petite Fleur.

Petite Fleur at your service

This site was created for you! To provide you with all the answers you have about your future floral decoration project. So don’t hesitate to tell me about your feelings, your questions, your project.

I’m here to listen to you, see you soon on the site!

Site created by Anne Sophie MENUEL.

Thank you Anne Sophie for your patience and your flawless professionalism ;-


Suivez petite Fleur